Amanda Devecka-Rinear
Founder & Executive Director | New Jersey Resource Project
Amanda Devecka-Rinear is a fourth-generation Cedar Bonnet Island resident with more than 20 years experience in community organizing and strategic leadership. Formed after Superstorm Sandy in 2014, NJRP and NJOP have redirected hundreds of millions of dollars in disaster aid to keep working families in their homes and continue to work to shift our broken disaster recovery systems to ensure full and fair disaster recovery. Prior to co-founding the New Jersey Organizing Project and New Jersey Resource Project in 2015, Amanda was the National Campaign Director for National Peoples’ Action. Prior to NJRP and NJOP, Amanda began her career as Program Director for New York City PoliceWatch, part of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights. She was a founding board member of FIERCE and the recipient of a Union Square Award in 2003 for work around criminal justice in NYC. She was part of city-wide student organizing to successfully preserve in state tuition, and thus access to public higher education for Immigrant New Yorkers. In 2005 as a lead organizer at NPA affiliate, the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition, she led an effort that brought 25 million dollars to construct new schools in one of NYC’s most overcrowded school districts.