But Next Time: Storm SUrvivors Demand overhaul of disaster recovery System

But Next Time is a report written by a group of leaders who have navigated multiple disasters for decades and are building tools and networks to strengthen our response to major storms and climate events. Our goal is to address both the immediate humanitarian needs on the ground and advance long term structural change and equitable recovery. The report contains recommendations for an equitable and effective disaster recovery system. Texas Appleseed, a Texas based public interest center, is the lead writer of the report, in collaboration from the following organizations:

  • New Jersey Organizing Project and New Jersey Resource Project (New Jersey)

  • PolicyLink (National)

  • Power Coalition for Equity and Justice (Louisiana)

  • Taller Salud (Puerto Rico)

  • Unemployed Workers United (National)

  • Workers Defense Project (Texas)

  • Ayuda Legal (Puerto Rico)

  • Center for Habitat Reconstruction (Puerto Rico)

  • Fair Share Housing Center (New Jersey)

  • Florida Rising (Florida)

  • Housing NOLA (Louisiana)

  • Housing Organizing Movement for Equity (Texas)

  • Jobs with Justice (National)

  • Maria Fund (Puerto Rico)